Untimely hair fall or baldness smears your appearance, thereby instilling a sense of inferiority complex in your mind. Hair transplantation not only salvages your lost curls but also assist in getting additional ones. In that way, your manifestation will definitely be easy on the eye.

It is a surgical procedure that involves elimination of hair follicles from any location in the body such as face or legs plus planting them on the hairless segment. This method is also employed in transplanting hair in lashes as well as brows. The most up-to-date techniques are everlasting and they pick up follicular bunches of hair. This course of action is called Follicular Hair Transplantation (FUT) whic
h can be completed in two ways, strip harvesting along with follicular unit extraction (FUE).
In case of strip harvesting, skin strips with fine hair growth are planted on balding regions and in case of follicular unit extraction hair bunches with their roots are manually detached and planted at the hairless spot.
Results of hair transplant:
1) Application of local anesthesia makes it a painless course of action. In addition to this, the patient can go residence the same day.
2) Hair transplant is dissimilar from non-surgical hair renovation in which a pre-chosen base is set on scalp with adroitness.
3) The transplanted hair acts like natural hair as well as sheds between 2 to 4 weeks of transplant. The roots after that start sprouting hair as expected and carry on doing so for a life span.
4) The price of the procedure depends on the number of grafts. This means, the more the number of grafts, the higher will be the charge.
5) Hair transplant does not signify you will have a luxurious yield of hair as the effect varies from person to person. Besides, it has some connection with a person’s natural hair superiority.
To avail the pristine hair transplant in gurgaon low cost, book our FREE consultation by just filling in an easy online form.