Coupled with evidence, it has been obvious that hair transplantation is the talk of the town nowadays. The process not only restores curls for those who have lost their hair due to untimely fall, but also help those who want to modify their hairline in order to obtain attractive tresses. Nevertheless, a common man sometimes gets frightened about this process as he is not aware about its steps. He might cultivate an imagination that this process is complex as well as painful. Dr. Biplav Agarwal, the most distinguished dermatologist of Gurgaon throws light on its various aspects in order to remove such myths.

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Mechanism of hair transplant
It is a surgical course of action that involves elimination of hair follicles from any spot in the body like face or legs plus planting them on the hairless segment. This process is also employed in transplanting hair in lashes along with brows. The latest techniques are everlasting and they pick up follicular clusters of hair. This method is called Follicular Hair Transplantation (FUT) which can be executed in two ways, strip harvesting plus follicular unit extraction (FUE).
Within strip harvesting, skin strips with fine hair growth are planted on balding regions and in follicular unit extraction hair clusters through their roots are manually detached and planted at the hairless spot.
FUE can be carried out in a single or numerous settings. It is a manual as well as time taking process however gives very natural results and leaves behind no scars.

1. Groundwork for the hair transplant
In the preliminary step of the Hair Transplant Surgical Procedure, hair follicles from the rear of the head are detached and relocated to the balding vicinities.
2. Donor region trimmed:
Before the surgery is on track, the hair in the donor region are trimmed.
3. Donor area arranged for surgery:
Once the hair in the donor region are trimmed it is provided local anesthesia.
4. Tissue in the donor region removed and the Donor region sutured.
The tissue in the donor region that holds the bald resistant hair follicles is then detached surgically and the donor region is sutured.
5. Combed hair over sutured donor region:
The sutures in the donor region are hidden from the patient’s locks that are combed over them. These sutures are detached almost ten days following the hair transplant surgical procedure.
6. Donor tissue trimmed into follicular unit grafts :
Microscopes are afterward used by the surgical technicians to inspect the donor tissue for dissecting as well as preparing follicular units hair grafts.
7. Bald recipient region equipped:
Once the local anesthesia is provided to the patient, the balding recipient region is ready for the surgical process
8. Incisions prepared in the balding locale:
Follicular Unit Grafts are positioned in the tiny incisions that are prepared in an irregular pattern in the recipient vicinity.
9. Grafts positioned as per their densities:
The smallest grafts (one and two) are positioned in front of the hairline plus three and four (denser than one and two) are sited behind.
10. Instantaneously after the Hair Transplant Surgical Procedure:
Following the hair transplant surgical treatment, minute incisions with short hair would be noticeable on the patients operated region.
11. Closing of the Hair Transplant Surgical Treatment:
The incision marks cure naturally and the redness in the recipient spot vanishes itself within a week.
With the help of a few antibiotics, the pain will heal within a short period and you can return to your work a few days subsequent to your surgery.
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