Hair loss or baldness is severe problem for both men and women. It is the tip of the iceberg, which means it not only diminishes the charm of your personality but also brings the shower of additional troubles for you. The inferiority complex of hairlessness shatters your morale and leads to depression in the long run. That is why, as soon as you perceive the impending danger of baldness it is advisable for you to be alarmed and take pragmatic initiatives for its resolution. Hair transplantation is considered as one of the finest ways to tackle it.

What is Hair Transplantation?
Hair transplantation in gurgaon is a fast and easy way to take care of any type hair loss trouble. It is a surgical course of action that aims to re-establish a person's lost hair because of reasons like male baldness, trauma, burns as well as surgery. In this remedy, hair follicles are taken out of the hair rising scalp on the reverse and side of the head and subsequently transferred and planted again on the infertile areas. There are two kinds of this technique and they are FUE (Follicular unit Extraction) plus FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation). As per the thickness and depth of your hair, you can go for the option on which kind to undergo.
FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction):
It is a no-stitch method in which grafted follicular units are fixed in the balding region that gives the greatest result in terms of hair density gained plus reduces possibility of scars. This technique is particularly useful in cases of pattern baldness which is precisely acknowledged as androgenic alopecia.
• Guarantees a natural looking hair line
• Helps to bring back your balding, receding along with thinning hair
• Less downtime to cure the wounds
• Low hazard of complications
• Unseen linear scars or stitches
• Minimal post- operative uneasiness
Who should select FUE?
• Who require fast recovery from surgical procedure
• People with smaller region of baldness
• For the people who have panic of cuts and stitches
• Appropriate for active lifestyle persons such as
FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation):
It is the most up-to-date invention for hair transplantation. It is the modus operandi in which a piece of appropriate skin from the proper position on the scalp is selected for the transplant. This portion of skin will then be cut out plus grafted on to the region of scalp where hair requires replenishing. Following the skin has been cut out; the injury will be closed by suturing the ends of the skin together.
FUT has a superior yield when it comes to hair restitution. And this can be the foremost thing for a lot of patients because they are willing to encompass a long, thin scar on the reverse of their heads in favor of a superior yield of hair and improved results.
• Soaring survival rate of hair follicles
• Large number of Follicles can be relocated in one session
• Less time to attain hair restoration growth
• Lower resection rate
• Cost effective therapy
• Yields improved quality hair follicles
Who should select FUT?
• For those who are wishing for of reducing treatment times
• People with larger region of baldness
• For the people who are not reluctant to cuts, scars and long recuperation period.